making a custom elven lantern

I’m very fortunate I get to bring some amazing concepts to life. Collaborating with customers to create something truly unique is the best part of my job. Every so often though, the stars align and I get the ultimate commission with the quintessential elements; a grand idea, creative freedom, an unrestrictive budget and a healthy dose of challenge. The Elven Lantern is just such a rarity and as such I thought worth sharing!

The brief for this one was appropriately, well, brief. Simply create a lantern which fits a candle inspired by the architecture of the Elven city of Rivendell from Lord of the Rings. Obviously there was nothing simple about it, the design process alone took over a week and involved a cardboard mock-up to get the shapes and dimensions spot on.
Hand piercing all 34 elements took about 4 days, then I spent a further 2-3 days to engrave, shape and rivet everything together. I think it was the most relaxing week I’ve enjoyed this year.

making a custom elven lantern
making a custom elven lantern

The completed lantern is made from copper and brass and a total of 84 rivets (yes, I do make every single one from scratch from wire. No, it doesn’t bother me, repetitive tasks make my brain happy).
This thing should outlive me by centuries. And I may not be an architect, but if you do need a miniature village handmade from metal I’m ready and willing.


If you would like to commission a piece of your own simply fill out the custom request form and I’ll be in touch ASAP!

making a custom elven lantern
making a custom elven lantern
making a custom elven lantern
making a custom elven lantern
making a custom elven lantern
making a custom elven lantern